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The visit of Status Quo legend Francis Rossi to Barrow has been forced to relocate.
With the Forum theatre closed for the next six months, Rossi’s ‘Tunes and Chat’ tour will now be coming to The Coro in Ulverston on Tuesday, November 5 from 7.30pm.
The show will see Rossi reprise fan favourites from a career spanning five decades with acoustic versions of Quo classics accompanied by stories from his life.
It is not the first time the singer has faced disruption ahead of a trip to Cumbria with the show in Barrow originally supposed to take place in November 2023.
The closure of the Forum’s theatre has meant that plans have changed once again, though local fans will still have the chance to meet Rossi and learn more about his legacy.
Tickets are still available through the Forum website, though seating at the Coro will be unallocated.
The visit of Status Quo legend Francis Rossi to Barrow has been forced to relocate.
With the Forum theatre closed for the next six months, Rossi’s ‘Tunes and Chat’ tour will now be coming to The Coro in Ulverston on Tuesday, November 5 from 7.30pm.
The show will see Rossi reprise fan favourites from a career spanning five decades with acoustic versions of Quo classics accompanied by stories from his life.
It is not the first time the singer has faced disruption ahead of a trip to Cumbria with the show in Barrow originally supposed to take place in November 2023.
The closure of the Forum’s theatre has meant that plans have changed once again, though local fans will still have the chance to meet Rossi and learn more about his legacy.
Tickets are still available through the Forum website, though seating at the Coro will be unallocated.